Case Study: Results Physiotherapy
How Results Physiotherapy saved 1753 patient visits and $263,000 in revenue
Telehealth is seeing a huge surge in popularity. Healthcare providers and patients alike realize remote visits are now not only possible, but they also make things easier and more convenient. Physical therapy, of course, is much more effective when it is conducted in person. With hundreds of patients whose English is of limited proficiency, Results Physiotherapy faced a significant challenge of being able serve them, since onsite interpreters can be expensive and difficult to schedule. Enter SpokenHere’s audio and video remote interpreting service!
Results Physiotherapy’s challenges included:
- Large number of non-English-speaking patients
- High cost of on site interpreters
- Many locations with multiple interpreting providers
- and more…
We trained the Results Physiotherapy team on how to use our online remote interpreting portal, ConnectNow™. Because the system can be accessed from anywhere using a tablet, mobile phone or desktop, Results Physiotherapy is now able to bring HIPAA certified, live interpreters into their patient consultations at any of their hundreds of locations, thereby eliminating the high cost and difficulty of scheduling onsite interpreters.