Translation and Interpretation for the Healthcare Industry

Doctor with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) patient

Understanding Patients is the First Step to Great Care

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 67.3 million U.S. residents speak a language other than English at home. That number has more than doubled since 1990.

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Clear Communication is Critical to Delivering Improved Outcomes

Whether you are providing care in your office or virtually, you are likely to meet patients at some point who do not speak English very well or at all. Our healthcare language services team, specializing in remote interpreting and beyond, will help you communicate with them effectively and confidently, which makes everyone feel better.

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HIPAA Compliance

On demand remote interpreting connects you and your patient with a HIPAA certified and trained healthcare interpreter to discuss care in compliance with privacy laws.

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Medical Subject Knowledge

Linguists with extensive knowledge of and experience with medical terminology and concepts mean more accurate interpretations.

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Easy Setup and Use

Free remote interpreting setup and training available to get you connected with your Limited English Proficiency (LEP) patients via a healthcare interpreter quickly using your phone, browser, tablet, or our mobile app.

Project & File Types

  • Remote interpreting for patient / provider interactions
  • Healthcare applications
  • Insurance & consent forms
  • Medical records
  • Patient education & information literature
  • HIPAA & legal compliance documentation
  • Pathology reports

Areas of Application

  • Medical case managers
  • Hospitals & clinics
  • Pharmacies & drug stores
  • Urgent care facilities
  • Assisted living centers
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Community & non-profit health centers