How Are Language Translation Projects Managed?

If you’ve never had to organize a translation project before, then you might be feeling overwhelmed. How do you make sure everything is done on time and is of the quality your company expects? Well, the first step is to take a deep breath and start looking for a translation service with whom to partner. No matter what your experience level, it’s always easier to work with a service that lives and breathes translation projects. But how do these firms manage your translation projects? Will it mean a lot of extra work and worry on your part? Not if the service you choose uses a translation management software solution like Compass™ to keep track of all your projects in one place.

What is Compass™?

Compass™ is our secure online client portal for managing projects. Once you’ve gone through the initial setup with your translation service, you can do most of your project management through the online portal (unless you want to talk to a real person!). Some of the features you’ll have access to include:

  • Account information—access all your account information in one place, without having to make a call.
  • Quote management—request and receive quotes for upcoming projects so you can manage your budget.
  • Order scheduling and tracking—set timeframes and track your project’s progress through the online portal.
  • Project history and relevant info
  • Simple payments—easily send and track your translation payments.

Why Organization is Important

Sure, you could employ several freelancers to complete each of your translation projects. However, that means keeping each person accountable, fielding questions, and managing documentation and deadlines. By using a service that offers a powerful online portal like Compass™, you cut down on the hours you personally spend managing your translation projects. These systems give you the answer you want to hear: you don’t have to manage the project at all. You can leave your translations in capable hands, and know exactly what the status of your project is at all times.

Organization is crucial to large (and small!) translation projects; a mix-up on deadlines or documents can delay a project in a serious way. Compass™ and other systems reduce the risk of complications and make the entire translation process more efficient.

Finding the Right Translation Service

In order to entrust your project to a service, you need to be confident in their ability to get the job done. Testimonials are a great way to find out more about the reliability and quality of a service, but that’s not the only factor you should take into consideration when choosing a translation partner.

Your translation service should be able to offer you a customized experience and a powerful project management software like Compass™. You shouldn’t have to do more than request translation services and send your payments—unless you want to be more involved. Remember, it’s not about getting the cheapest translation service out there; it’s about finding a quality provider who will provide you with value, reliability, and efficiency.

Are you ready to get started? Download our free checklist to find out what you need for a successful translation!